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History and Past Activities


ESA Conference: Ageing Societies, New Sociology
September 23-26, 2003 in Murcia, Spain
Two streams of sessions of the

Research Network 18: Sociology of Science and Technology (SSTNET)


Raymund Werle: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Köln, Germany (
Marja Häyrinen Alestalo: Dept. of Sociology, University of Helsinki, Finland (
Luísa Oliveira: DINÂMIA/ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal (
Maarten Mentzel: 38 Johan de Wittstraat, 2334 AR Leiden, The Netherlands (

First Stream: Governing Science and Technology in the Era of Globalization

Wednesday Sept. 24
14.30 - 16.30 session 3 (Campus de La Merced)
Chair: Maarten Mentzel

3.1. Author(s): Hemlin, Sven/Harming, John

Institution: Centre for Research Ethics, The Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University
Professional Category:
City: Göteborg
Country: Sweden


The study to be reported is part of a research project that aims at increasing our understanding for factors that are crucial for creative working processes and innovative results in knowledge organisations, that is universities and research based business companies. The reason to pursue this project is first that knowledge workers are key-persons in the innovation system, and second that we know surprisingly little about what is important for knowledge workers to develop creative processes. An empirical study is done by selecting a number of highly innovative organizations with a control group of less innovative organizations in the biotech sector in order to detect differences in the creativity of the environment. More than a hundred team leaders and members from 30-40 different organizations are interviewed in an open manner to express their experiences of what contributes to innovative behaviour. The study group is also prompted to fill in a questionnaire with rating scales concerning creativity enhancing factors. By using this approach we will get both qualitative and quantitative data as well as reduce the risk of many drop outs. We will report the first results from this study which will be finished at the time of the conference.


Sociology of Science and Technology NETwork - last update: April 2006