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History and Past Activities


ESA Conference: Ageing Societies, New Sociology
September 23-26, 2003 in Murcia, Spain
Two streams of sessions of the

Research Network 18: Sociology of Science and Technology (SSTNET)


Raymund Werle: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Köln, Germany (
Marja Häyrinen Alestalo: Dept. of Sociology, University of Helsinki, Finland (
Luísa Oliveira: DINÂMIA/ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal (
Maarten Mentzel: 38 Johan de Wittstraat, 2334 AR Leiden, The Netherlands (

Second Stream: New Technologies in Ageing Societies

Friday Sept. 26
09.00 - 11.00 session 7 (Campus de La Merced)
Chair Luísa Oliveira

7.3. Author(s): Baigorri, Artemio/Chaves, Mar

Institution: Universidad de Extremadura, Grupo de investigacion en estudios sociales y territoriales
Professional Category: Profesor Titular de Universidad/ Becaria de Investigación
City: Badajoz
Country: Spain


The Welfare State is based on universalization of access to certain goods and economic, cultural and personal services (education, sanity,housing, etc). However, a growing number of societals activities and public services are carried out in a telematic way, as much in the teaching as in the Sanity, among others. We can observe the repercussions of the technological advances related to Telematic Society in differents fields, for example, the own technological advances applied to medicine are changing the senior citizens concept, since it improves and it enlarges the own aging process in our advanced societies.

The New Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) development and their potential, have been the base for many researchs and political social, in which, the digital literacy in diverse economic and political sectors just as in civil society is beared in mind by governments, and at the same time, the NICT begin to be considered as elements of social exclusion or integration inside the Telematic Society.

This paper is focussed on the analysis, on the one hand, of the public and private initiatives, carried out in Extremadura (Spain) that pretend to social integration of the senior citizens in Telematic Society by means of the use or applicability of New Information and Communication Technologies -like Digital Literacy Project on New Knowledge Center (Nuevos Centros de Conocimiento) promoted by Extremadura Goverment-, and the other hand, this paper pretends to describe and analyze those new technologies developments that influence, in more measure, in their quality of life.


Sociology of Science and Technology NETwork - last update: April 2006